Thursday, July 2, 2009


oh yes i have new on bunnys to!!
they offically have their own bedrooms and names!!
haha took me long enough!
i believe they are all boys so here be their names...

Gray Nose >>> became>>> Dakota
Yellow Dot >>> became>>> Dooms Day
Hoppy >>> became>>> Hercules!!!

Horse Show

Well its been awhile. I've been busy busy busy. At the district 4-h show it was so much fun Cricket did awesome. she didn't spook at half the things i thought she would. we were in an air condition areana and it was so nice! the judge was in love with Cricket she kept telling me how beautiful she was and how to improve her. i believe if Cricket would hurry up and catch on to neck reining she would win everything. well except trial white polls are still ScArY! she listens to every cue i give her walk, she walks, trot, she trots, lope, she lopes. whoa! u better believe shes gonna stop and stop like a reining horse. her feet go under her and she STOPS! she only qualified to go to state in other breeds halter class. so she is getting pampered. tail wrapped mane braided and all that good stuff. Dash won in barrel racing and gets to go to state hopefully he keeps it up and gets another win. Elvis is becoming more manly everyday. i'm bout ready to get cute baby ponies.

from now on i promise to write everyday... well as much as i can.